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Configuring Image Uploader

Image Uploader has a big number of parameters (about 300 for ActiveX and almost 200 for Java), which you can modify to get it working exactly in the way you need. This topic gives a brief overview of Image Uploader parameters.

How to Modify Parameters

After you add Image Uploader on the page, you should insert parameters using the addParam method of the ImageUploaderWriter JavaScript object that is defined in the iuembed.js. You should pass the name of the property and its value. See the Library Overview for more details.

Inserting Your License Key

The first parameter that you should add to your script that embeds Image Uploader into the page is a license key. There are two types of license keys: trial and full. Trial license key allows evaluating Image Uploader on any domain (not only on localhost). See the How to Evaluate Image Uploader for more details. Full license keys remove limitations of the evaluation version; find the detailed information about these keys in the Removing Limitations of Evaluation Version topic. The key (or keys) is specified as a value of the LicenseKey property. Here is how you can do that (note that if you have several keys, they should be separated with semi-colons):


As you see, the value of the LicenseKey property is set just like any other Image Uploader parameter.

Image Uploader Parameters

All Image Uploader parameters can be subdivided into several groups which are described below.


Though the lists below contain plenty of parameters, these lists are incomplete as it is impossible to mention here all the available parameters. For the full list of properties that configure Image Uploader and its behavior, see the API Reference.


Some parameters have effect on ActiveX or Java version only. The following marking is used.

  • ActiveX label. - a parameter has effect in ActiveX version.
  • Java label. - a parameter has effect in Java version.

Appearance Parameters

A large number of parameters of Image Uploader has an effect on its look-and-feel. Figures demonstrating which property corresponds to a certain element of Image Uploader can be found in the Customizing Appearance.

Pane Appearance Parameters

The crucial parts of Image Uploader are its panes that contain files and folder tree. Image Uploader supports several kinds of view modes and layouts, which are described in the Image Uploader User Interface topic.

Appearance of Image Uploader panes can be easily configured with the properties from the table below.

Name Description
ActiveX label.Java label. FolderPaneBorderStyle Border style of the folder pane.
ActiveX label.Java label. FolderPaneHeight Height of the folder pane.
ActiveX label.Java label. PaneLayout Layout of Image Uploader panes.
ActiveX label.Java label. TreePaneBorderStyle Border style of the tree pane.
ActiveX label.Java label. TreePaneWidth Width of the folder tree pane.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadPaneBorderStyle Border style of the upload pane.
ActiveX label.Java label. FolderView View mode for the folder pane.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadView View mode for the upload pane.

Color Parameters

Image Uploader has many elements with customizable colors. Some of them use system-defined colors by default, and to make it impossible to change them it is necessary to set UseSystemColors to false.

To see an example how to work with color properties, take a look at the Changing Background Colors for Panes topic.

The table below contains all color properties of the ImageUploader control.

Name Description
ActiveX label.Java label. AdvancedDetailsFailedItemBackgroundColor Background color of an item in AdvancedDetails view which indicates that this item failed to be uploaded.
ActiveX label.Java label. AdvancedDetailsGridLineColor Color of grid lines in AdvancedDetails view when the grid is enabled.
ActiveX label.Java label. AdvancedDetailsIdleItemBackgroundColor Background color of an item in AdvancedDetails view which indicates items which are pending for upload.
ActiveX label.Java label. AdvancedDetailsInProcessItemBackgroundColor Background color of an item in AdvancedDetails view which indicates items which are being uploaded.
ActiveX label.Java label. BackgroundColor Background color of the Image Uploader surface.
ActiveX label.Java label. DisplayNameActiveSelectedTextColor Color of the item display name when this item is selected and the focus is set on the pane which contains this item.
ActiveX label.Java label. DisplayNameActiveUnselectedTextColor Color of the item display name when this item is not selected and the focus is set on the pane which contains this item.
ActiveX label.Java label. DisplayNameInactiveSelectedTextColor Color of the item display name when this item is selected and the focus is out of the pane which contains this item.
ActiveX label.Java label. DisplayNameInactiveUnselectedTextColor Color of the item display name when this item is not selected and the focus is out of the pane which contains this item.
ActiveX label. EditDescriptionTextColor Color of the text label displayed instead of the description when it is not specified by a user.
ActiveX label.Java label. FolderPaneBackgroundColor Background color of the folder pane.
ActiveX label.Java label. IncorrectFileActiveSelectedTextColor Color of the text caption displayed for the item which cannot be uploaded (e.g. because of file filters) when this item is selected and the focus is set on the pane which contains this item.
ActiveX label.Java label. IncorrectFileActiveUnselectedTextColor Color of the text caption displayed for the item which cannot be uploaded (e.g. because of file filters) when this item is not selected and the focus is set on the pane which contains this item.
ActiveX label.Java label. IncorrectFileInactiveSelectedTextColor Color of the text caption displayed for the item which cannot be uploaded (e.g. because of file filters) when this item is selected and the focus is out of the pane which contains this item.
ActiveX label.Java label. IncorrectFileInactiveUnselectedTextColor Color of the text caption displayed for the item which cannot be uploaded (e.g. because of file filters) when this item is not selected and the focus is out of the pane which contains this item.
ActiveX label.Java label. LargePreviewBackgroundColor Background color of the preview window.
ActiveX label.Java label. PaneBackgroundColor Background color of all Image Uploader panes.
ActiveX label. PreviewThumbnailActiveDropHighlightedColor Color of the thumbnail box selection when this thumbnail belongs to a focused pane and the user drags some items over it.
ActiveX label.Java label. PreviewThumbnailActiveSelectionColor Color of the item selection frame when the parent pane is in focus.
ActiveX label.Java label. PreviewThumbnailBorderColor Color of the preview thumbnail box frame.
ActiveX label.Java label. PreviewThumbnailBorderHoverColor Color of the preview box frame when the cursor is hovered over the thumbnail.
ActiveX label. PreviewThumbnailInactiveDropHighlightedColor Color of the thumbnail box selection when this thumbnail belongs to a pane which is out of focus and the user drags some items over it.
ActiveX label.Java label. PreviewThumbnailInactiveSelectionColor Color of item selection frame when the parent pane is out of focus.
ActiveX label.Java label. QualityMeterAcceptableQualityColor Color of the quality meter element which corresponds to the maximum acceptable print format.
ActiveX label.Java label. QualityMeterBackgroundColor Background color of the quality meter.
ActiveX label.Java label. QualityMeterBorderColor Color of the quality meter border.
ActiveX label.Java label. QualityMeterHighQualityColor Color of the quality meter element which corresponds to the recommended print format.
ActiveX label.Java label. QualityMeterLowQualityColor Color of the quality meter element corresponding to the print format which is not recommended for printing.
ActiveX label. SplitterLineColor Color of the splitter line (if enabled).
ActiveX label.Java label. TreePaneBackgroundColor Background color of the tree pane.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadPaneBackgroundColor Background color of the upload pane.

Button Customization Parameters

Image Uploader allows replacing standard buttons by custom images. You can set a specific image for each button and each state of this button. The Customizing Buttons topic describes how to do it.

The list of the properties that are responsible for this functionality is given in the table below.

Name Description
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonAddAllToUploadListImageFormat List of images that are displayed in different states of the Add All button.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonAddFilesImageFormat List of images that are displayed in different states of the Add Files button.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonAddFoldersImageFormat List of images that are displayed in different states of the Add Folders button.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonAddToUploadListImageFormat List of images that are displayed in different states of the Add button (which adds selected files from folder pane to upload pane).
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonAdvancedDetailsCancelImageFormat List of images that are displayed in different states of the Cancel button which is displayed in the AdvancedDetails view during upload.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonCheckAllImageFormat List of images that are displayed in different states of the button which checks all the files in the folder pane in TwoPanes layout. This button is dispayed if CheckFilesBySelectAllButton is set to true.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonDeleteFilesImageFormat List of images that are displayed in different states of the button which deletes selected images.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonDeselectAllImageFormat List of images that are displayed in different states of the button which deselects all the files in the folder pane in ThreePanes layout. This button is displayed in TwoPanes layout if CheckFilesBySelectAllButton is false.
ActiveX label. ButtonPasteImageFormat List of images that are displayed in different states of the Paste button which pastes the image (not the file) from a clipboard to the upload list.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonRemoveAllFromUploadListImageFormat List of images that are displayed in different states of the Remove All button which removes all the files from the upload list.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonRemoveFromUploadListImageFormat List of images that are displayed in different states of the Remove button which removes selected files from the upload list.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonSelectAllImageFormat List of images that are displayed in different states of the button which selects all the files in the folder pane in ThreePanes layout. This button is displayed in TwoPanes layout if CheckFilesBySelectAllButton is false.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonSendImageFormat List of images that are displayed in different states of the Send button which starts the upload of the selected files.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonStopImageFormat List of images that are displayed in different states of the Stop button which aborts the upload.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonUncheckAllImageFormat List of images that are displayed in different states of the button which unchecks all the files in the folder pane in TwoPanes layout. This button is dispayed if CheckFilesBySelectAllButton is set to true.
ActiveX label.Java label. CacheGuiGraphics Switch that enables/disables caching of image buttons (when XXXImageFormat properties are used).
ActiveX label.Java label. GuiGraphicsVersion Version indicator of images used as buttons and icons of Image Uploader user interface.
ActiveX label.Java label. LargePreviewIconImageFormat List of images that are displayed in different states of the large preview magnifier which appears when the user hovers the mouse pointer over some thumbnail in the pane. By clicking this magnifier a separate window with a larger preview of the selected image will be opened.
ActiveX label.Java label. RemoveIconImageFormat List of images that specify different states of the removal cross which appears when the user hovers the mouse pointer over some thumbnail in the pane. By clicking this cross the selected image will be deleted from the upload list.
ActiveX label.Java label. RotateIconClockwiseImageFormat List of images that specify different states of the clockwise rotation arrow which appears when the user hovers the mouse pointer over some thumbnail in the pane. By clicking this arrow the selected image will be rotated by 90 degrees clockwise.
ActiveX label.Java label. RotateIconCounterclockwiseImageFormat List of images that specify different states of the counterclockwise rotation arrow which appears when the user hovers the mouse pointer over some thumbnail in the pane. By clicking this arrow the selected image will be rotated by 90 degrees counterclockwise.

Text Parameters

Image Uploader allows changing every text element of its GUI. In particular, this means that you can easily translate the GUI to any language. The Localization topic contains examples of translation to several languages.


If you want to specify a multiline text use the "\n" sequence to separate lines.

The table below presents a list of all text-related properties.

Name Description
ActiveX label.Java label. AddFolderDialogButtonCancelText Caption of the Cancel button on the dialog displayed when the folders are being added to the upload list.
ActiveX label.Java label. AddFolderDialogButtonSkipAllText Caption of the Skip All button on the dialog displayed when the folders are being added to the upload list.
ActiveX label.Java label. AddFolderDialogButtonSkipText Caption of the Skip button on the dialog displayed when folders are being added to the upload list.
ActiveX label.Java label. AddFolderDialogTitleText Title of the dialog displayed when folders are being uploaded to the upload list.
Java label. AuthenticationRequestBasicText Text of the message on the authentication dialog when basic authentication is used.
Java label. AuthenticationRequestButtonCancelText Text of the Cancel button on the authentication dialog.
Java label. AuthenticationRequestButtonOkText Text of the OK button on the authentication dialog.
Java label. AuthenticationRequestDomainText Text of the Domain label on the authentication dialog.
Java label. AuthenticationRequestLoginText Text of the Login label on the authentication dialog.
Java label. AuthenticationRequestNtlmText Text of the message on the authentication dialog when NTLM authentication is used.
Java label. AuthenticationRequestPasswordText Text of the Password label on the authentication dialog.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonAddAllToUploadListText Text of the button which adds all files in the current folder to the upload list.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonAddFilesText Text of the button which opens Open File dialog to select files for upload.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonAddFoldersText Text of the button which opens the standard Open Folder dialog to add the entire folder content to the upload list.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonAddToUploadListText Text of the button which adds selected files to the upload list.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonAdvancedDetailsCancelText Text of the Cancel button which is displayed in the AdvancedDetails view during upload.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonCheckAllText Caption of Check All button which is dispayed in TwoPanes layout if CheckFilesBySelectAllButton is set to true. The button sets check boxes for all files in the folder pane.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonDeleteFilesText Text of the Delete Files button.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonDeselectAllText Caption of the button which deselects all the files in the folder pane in ThreePanes layout. This button is displayed in TwoPanes layout if CheckFilesBySelectAllButton is false.
ActiveX label. ButtonPasteText Text for the Paste button which pastes an image (not a file) from a clipboard to the upload list.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonRemoveAllFromUploadListText Text of the button which removes all the files from the upload list.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonRemoveFromUploadListText Text of the button which removes selected files from the upload list.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonSelectAllText Caption of the button which selects all the files in the folder pane in ThreePanes layout. This button is displayed in TwoPanes layout if CheckFilesBySelectAllButton is false.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonSendText Text of the button which starts the upload of selected files.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonStopText Text of the button which aborts the upload.
ActiveX label.Java label. ButtonUncheckAllText Caption of Uncheck All button which is dispayed in TwoPanes layout if CheckFilesBySelectAllButton is set to true. The button cleares check boxes for all files in the folder pane.
ActiveX label.Java label. CmykImagesAreNotAllowedText Text which appears instead of the description text field if the image is CMYK, when CMYK images are not allowed for the upload.
Java label. DeleteFilesDialogTitleText Title of the dialog which asks the user to confirm that they really want to delete uploaded or selected files.
Java label. DeleteSelectedFilesDialogMessageText The text of the message box which asks the user to confirm that they really want to delete selected files.
Java label. DeleteUploadedFilesDialogMessageText The text of the message box which asks the user to confirm that they really want to delete uploaded files.
ActiveX label.Java label. DescriptionEditorButtonCancelText Text for the Cancel button of the description editor.
ActiveX label.Java label. DescriptionEditorButtonOkText Text on the OK button of the description editor.
ActiveX label.Java label. DescriptionTooltipText Text of the tooltip which is displayed when mouse cursor is hovering over the description text field.
ActiveX label.Java label. DimensionsAreTooLargeText Text of the label displayed when image dimensions are larger than the ones specified with the MaxImageWidth and MaxImageHeight properties.
ActiveX label.Java label. DimensionsAreTooSmallText Text of the label displayed when image dimensions are smaller than the ones specified with the MinImageWidth and MinImageHeight properties.
ActiveX label.Java label. DropFilesHereText Text of the label on the upload pane displayed when no files are selected for the upload.
ActiveX label.Java label. EditDescriptionText Text of the label displayed instead of the description when it is not specified by a user.
ActiveX label.Java label. EditDescriptionTooltipText Text of the tooltip which is displayed when mouse cursor is hovering over the Edit Description label-hyperlink.
Java label. ErrorDeletingFilesDialogMessageText Text of the error message which states that the specified file cannot be deleted.
ActiveX label.Java label. FileIsTooLargeText Text which appears instead of the description text field if the file exceeds the MaxFileSize value.
ActiveX label.Java label. FileIsTooSmallText Text which appears instead of the description text field if the file is smaller than the MinFileSize value.
ActiveX label. HoursText Text for the hours unit in the progress dialog.
ActiveX label.Java label. IncludeSubfoldersText Text of the Include Subfolders checkbox in the Open Folder dialog.
ActiveX label.Java label. KilobytesText Text for the kilobytes unit in the progress dialog.
ActiveX label.Java label. LargePreviewGeneratingPreviewText Text that appears in the preview window while a preview is being generated.
ActiveX label.Java label. LargePreviewIconTooltipText Text of the tooltip which is displayed when the mouse pointer is hovering over the large preview magnifier. By clicking this magnifier a separate window with a larger preview of the selected image will be opened.
ActiveX label.Java label. LargePreviewNoPreviewAvailableText Text that appears in the preview window if no preview could be generated.
ActiveX label.Java label. ListColumnFileNameText Title of the file name column in the Details view.
ActiveX label.Java label. ListColumnFileSizeText Title of the file size column in the Details view.
ActiveX label.Java label. ListColumnFileTypeText Title of the file type column in the Details view.
ActiveX label.Java label. ListColumnLastModifiedText Title of the last modification date column in the Details view.
ActiveX label.Java label. ListKilobytesText Text for kilobytes unit in the file size column of the Details view.
ActiveX label.Java label. LoadingFilesText Text on the folder pane which is displayed while Image Uploader scans the folder content and builds the file list.
ActiveX label.Java label. MegabytesText Text for the megabytes unit in the progress dialog.
ActiveX label.Java label. MenuAddAllToUploadListText Caption of the Add All To Upload List context menu item.
ActiveX label.Java label. MenuAddToUploadListText Caption of the Add To Upload List context menu item.
ActiveX label. MenuArrangeByModifiedText Caption of the Modified context menu item inside Arrange Icons By group.
ActiveX label. MenuArrangeByNameText Caption of the Name context menu item inside Arrange Icons By group.
ActiveX label. MenuArrangeByPathText Caption of the Path context menu item inside Arrange Icons By group.
ActiveX label. MenuArrangeBySizeText Caption of the Size context menu item inside Arrange Icons By group.
ActiveX label. MenuArrangeByText Caption of the Arrange Icons By context menu.
ActiveX label. MenuArrangeByTypeText Caption of the Type context menu item inside Arrange Icons By group.
ActiveX label. MenuArrangeByUnsortedText Caption of the Unsorted context menu item inside Arrange Icons By group.
ActiveX label.Java label. MenuDeselectAllText Caption of the Deselect All context menu item.
ActiveX label.Java label. MenuDetailsText Caption of the Details context menu item.
ActiveX label.Java label. MenuIconsText Caption of the Icons context menu item.
ActiveX label.Java label. MenuInvertSelectionText Caption of the Invert Selection context menu item.
ActiveX label.Java label. MenuListText Caption of the List context menu item.
ActiveX label.Java label. MenuRefreshText Caption of the Refresh context menu item.
ActiveX label.Java label. MenuRemoveAllFromUploadListText Caption of the Remove All From Upload List context menu item.
ActiveX label.Java label. MenuRemoveFromUploadListText Caption of the Remove From Upload List context menu item.
ActiveX label.Java label. MenuSelectAllText Caption of the Select All context menu item.
ActiveX label.Java label. MenuThumbnailsText Caption of the Thumbnails context menu item.
ActiveX label.Java label. MessageBoxTitleText Title of the message box which appears when some error occurs or upload is finished.
ActiveX label. MessageCannotConnectToInternetText Text of the error message which states that Image Uploader failed to connect to the Internet.
ActiveX label.Java label. MessageCmykImagesAreNotAllowedText Text of the error message which states that the selected image is CMYK, when CMYK images are not allowed for the upload.
ActiveX label.Java label. MessageDimensionsAreTooLargeText Text of the error message which states that the width or height of the selected image is too large.
ActiveX label.Java label. MessageDimensionsAreTooSmallText Text of the error message which states that the width or height of selected image is too small.
ActiveX label.Java label. MessageFileSizeIsTooSmallText Text of the error message which states that the user tries to select a file that is too small.
ActiveX label.Java label. MessageMaxFileCountExceededText Text of the error message which states that the user tries to select too many files.
ActiveX label.Java label. MessageMaxFileSizeExceededText Text of the error message which states that the user tries to select a file that is too big.
ActiveX label.Java label. MessageMaxTotalFileSizeExceededText Text of the error message which states that the total size of selected files is too large.
ActiveX label. MessageNoInternetSessionWasEstablishedText Text of the error message which states that there is no Internet session available.
ActiveX label.Java label. MessageNoResponseFromServerText Text of the error message which states that an error was encountered when sending a request to the server and the server did not return any response.
ActiveX label. MessageRetryOpenFolderText Text of the message which is displayed when Image Uploader tries to restore last visited folder and it is not available.
ActiveX label.Java label. MessageServerNotFoundText Text of the error message which states that the server with the name specified in the Action parameter cannot be found.
ActiveX label.Java label. MessageSwitchAnotherFolderWarningText Text of the warning message which is displayed when the user changes the current folder and some items are selected for upload in this folder.
ActiveX label.Java label. MessageUnexpectedErrorText Text of the user-friendly error message for errors which are meaningful to website developer only.
ActiveX label.Java label. MessageUploadCancelledText Text of the error message which states that the user cancelled the upload.
ActiveX label.Java label. MessageUploadCompleteText Text of the message box which notifies that the upload is successfully finished.
ActiveX label.Java label. MessageUploadFailedText Text of the error message which states that the upload failed because the connection was broken.
ActiveX label. MessageUserSpecifiedTimeoutHasExpiredText Text of the error message which states that the client-side timeout has expired. To disable this message, set it to an empty string.
ActiveX label. MinutesText Text for the minutes unit in the progress dialog.
ActiveX label.Java label. ProgressDialogCancelButtonText Caption of the Cancel button on the progress dialog.
ActiveX label.Java label. ProgressDialogCloseButtonText Caption of the Close button on the progress dialog.
ActiveX label.Java label. ProgressDialogCloseWhenUploadCompletesText Caption of the Close When Upload Completes checkbox in the progress dialog.
ActiveX label. ProgressDialogEstimatedTimeText Caption of the label on the progress dialog which displays estimated time of upload.
ActiveX label.Java label. ProgressDialogPreparingDataText Caption of the Preparing Data label on the progress dialog.
ActiveX label.Java label. ProgressDialogSentText Caption of the label on the progress dialog which specifies how many files have already been sent.
ActiveX label.Java label. ProgressDialogTitleText Title of the progress dialog.
ActiveX label.Java label. ProgressDialogWaitingForResponseFromServerText Text string which appears in the progress dialog when the upload completes, and Image Uploader is waiting for a response from the server.
ActiveX label.Java label. ProgressDialogWaitingForRetryText Text string which appears in the progress dialog when the upload was interrupted, and Image Uploader is waiting before retrying to recover the upload.
ActiveX label.Java label. RemoveIconTooltipText Text of the tooltip which is displayed when the mouse pointer is hovering over the removal cross. By clicking this cross the selected image will be deleted from the upload list.
ActiveX label.Java label. RotateIconClockwiseTooltipText Text of the tooltip which is displayed when the mouse pointer is hovering over the clockwise rotation arrow. By clicking this arrow the selected image will be rotated by 90 degrees clockwise.
ActiveX label.Java label. RotateIconCounterclockwiseTooltipText Text of the tooltip which is displayed when the mouse pointer is hovering over the counterclockwise rotation arrow. By clicking this arrow the selected image will be rotated by 90 degrees counterclockwise.
ActiveX label. SecondsText Text for seconds unit in the progress dialog.
ActiveX label. TimeFormat Text template that specifies how time should be displayed.
Java label. UnixFileSystemRootText Caption of the folder tree node which specifies the system directory at *NIX systems.
Java label. UnixHomeDirectoryText Caption of the folder tree node which specifies the home directory at *NIX systems.

Behavior Parameters

Another group of parameters influences the behavior of Image Uploader. In other words, you can specify what the user can do and what they cannot do.

Feature Activation Parameters

You can activate or deactivate certain features. For example, if you do not want to allow your users to edit descriptions of uploaded files, you can just hide the description editor element.

A table below contains properties that activates or deactivates Image Uploader features.

Name Description
ActiveX label.Java label. AllowAutoRotate Switch that enables automatic EXIF-based photo rotation feature.
ActiveX label.Java label. AllowCmykImages Switch that specifies whether it is possible to select CMYK images for the upload.
Java label. AllowDisproportionalExifThumbnails Switch that specifies whether Image Uploader should generate thumbnail from original image in the case when thumbnail saved in EXIF metadata is out of proportions of original image.
ActiveX label.Java label. AllowFolderUpload Switch that specifies whether it is possible to upload not only separate files, but also entire folders.
ActiveX label.Java label. AllowLargePreview Switch that specifies whether it is possible to open the large preview window for the items.
ActiveX label.Java label. AllowMultipleRemove Switch that specifies whether clicking on a remove icon of a list item will remove all selected items.
ActiveX label.Java label. AllowMultipleRotate Switch that specifies whether clicking on a rotate icon of a list item will rotate all selected items.
ActiveX label.Java label. AllowMultipleSelection Switch that specifies whether the user is allowed to select multiple files at one time.
ActiveX label.Java label. AllowRotate Switch that specifies whether to display rotate icons on preview thumbnails.
ActiveX label. AllowTreePaneWidthChange Switch that specifies whether the user can resize the tree pane.
ActiveX label.Java label. CheckFilesBySelectAllButton Switch that specifies whether to display Check All/Uncheck All or Select All/Deselect All buttons in TwoPanes layout.
ActiveX label.Java label. DeleteUploadedFiles Switch that defines whether successfully uploaded files should be deleted.
ActiveX label.Java label. DescriptionsReadOnly Indicator which specifies whether the user is allowed to edit descriptions.
ActiveX label.Java label. EnableFileViewer Switch that indicates whether to open the file in associated viewer software when it is double-clicked.
ActiveX label.Java label. EnableInstantUpload Switch that specifies whether to start sending files right after they are selected for upload not waiting for Send button click.
ActiveX label.Java label. EnableRemoveIcon Switch that specifies whether to display remove icons on preview thumbnails. By clicking this icon the selected image will be deleted from the upload list.
ActiveX label.Java label. FolderPaneAllowRotate Switch that specifies whether to display rotate icons on thumbnails in the folder pane.
ActiveX label.Java label. FolderPaneShowDescriptions Switch that specifies whether Edit Description elements should be displayed under each thumbnail in the folder list.
ActiveX label.Java label. IncludeSubfolders Switch that specifies whether a folder should be added to upload list including its subfolders.
ActiveX label.Java label. RememberLastVisitedFolder Switch that indicates whether Image Uploader should remember the last visited folder.
ActiveX label.Java label. SendDefaultFields Switch that specifies whether to send standard text POST fields during the upload process.
ActiveX label.Java label. ShowContextMenu Switch that specifies if the context menu should be available by a right-click on a folder or upload pane.
ActiveX label.Java label. ShowDebugWindow Switch that specifies whether to display an error page returned from the server if some error occurs on the page specified with the Action property.
ActiveX label.Java label. ShowDescriptions Switch that specifies whether to display Edit Description elements under the thumbnails.
ActiveX label. ShowFileNames Switch that specifies whether to display filenames in the folder and upload pane.
ActiveX label.Java label. ShowSubfolders Switch that specifies whether to display subfolders in the folder pane along with files.
ActiveX label.Java label. SilentMode Switch that specifies whether to hide Image Uploader progress bar and all the messages during the upload.
ActiveX label.Java label. UncheckUploadedFiles Switch that specifies whether to uncheck files (in the two-pane layout) or remove them from the upload list (in the one-pane or three-pane layout) after they are successfully uploaded.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadPaneAllowRotate Switch that specifies whether to display rotate icons on thumbnails in the upload pane.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadPaneShowDescriptions Switch that specifies whether Edit Description elements should be displayed under each thumbnail in the upload list.

Restriction Parameters

You can configure limitations for files that the user uploads and data the user enters. Several topics discussing this can be found in the Configuring Restriction Rules for Files in the manual section.

The properties from the table below can be used to set restrictions.

Name Description
ActiveX label.Java label. DeniedFileMask File mask for the files that are denied to be displayed and uploaded.
ActiveX label.Java label. FileMask File mask for the files which are allowed to be displayed and uploaded.
ActiveX label.Java label. MaxDescriptionTextLength Maximum allowed number of characters in descriptions entered by the user.
ActiveX label.Java label. MaxFileCount Maximum number of files allowed for upload per one session.
ActiveX label.Java label. MaxFileSize Maximum file size which is allowed for upload to the server.
ActiveX label.Java label. MaxImageHeight Maximum image height allowed for upload.
ActiveX label.Java label. MaxImageWidth Maximum image width allowed for upload.
ActiveX label.Java label. MaxTotalFileSize Maximum total file size allowed for upload.
ActiveX label.Java label. MinFileCount Minimum number of files allowed for upload per one session.
ActiveX label.Java label. MinFileSize Minimum file size allowed for upload.
ActiveX label.Java label. MinImageHeight Minimum image height allowed for upload.
ActiveX label.Java label. MinImageWidth Minimum image width allowed for upload.

Upload Parameters

As the main purpose of Image Uploader is to upload files, there is a number of properties that enables you to manage the upload process. The usage of these properties is described more detailed in topics of the Uploading section.

General Upload Settings

For better understanding of the purpose of most important upload settings, it is highly recommended to examine the Uploading Files Sequentially and Concurrently topic.

The information that describes how to configure Image Uploader to recover the upload process if it fails can be found in the Configuring Automatic Upload Recovery topic.

Name Description
ActiveX label.Java label. Action URL of the page to which files selected for upload in Image Uploader are sent to.
Java label. AuthenticationType Authentication type configured on the server.
ActiveX label.Java label. AutoRecoverMaxTriesCount Number of tries that should be performed to submit files.
ActiveX label.Java label. AutoRecoverTimeOut Interval in which Image Uploader should try to resume the upload if it was interrupted.
ActiveX label.Java label. Charset Charset used to encode the text data submitted by Image Uploader.
ActiveX label.Java label. FilesPerOnePackageCount Number of files which should be sent with a single request.
ActiveX label. MaxConnectionCount Number of simultaneous connections files are uploaded with.
ActiveX label.Java label. PostFormat Timeout of the HTTP connection.
ActiveX label.Java label. TimeOut POST request format used by Image Uploader to upload files.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadSourceFile Switch that specifies whether original file should be uploaded or it is necessary to upload only resized copies.

Additional Data Upload Settings

Image Uploader allows sending not only files, but also additional data provided by the user or added through the JavaScript. See the Uploading Additional Data with Files topic for more details about this.

Also, you can have Image Uploader to extract meta information like EXIF and IPTC from images and upload it as separate fields. The Working with EXIF and IPTC Metadata topic describes how to do it.

And at last, Image Uploader can calculate hash values for uploaded files and send them to the server. It enables you to verify integrity of the uploaded data. See the Robust Upload Using Hash for information on how to do it.

These properties are used to upload additional data to the server.

Name Description
ActiveX label.Java label. AdditionalFormName Name of the HTML form with additional information which should be sent to the server along with files.
ActiveX label.Java label. ExtractExif List of EXIF fields which should be extracted and uploaded along with other data.
ActiveX label.Java label. ExtractIptc List of IPTC fields which should be extracted and uploaded along with other data.
ActiveX label.Java label. HashAlgorithm Algorithm to generate a hash value for each file to upload to the server.

Upload Thumbnails Settings

Image Uploader allows uploading not only original files, but also resized copies of images. This way you can noticeably reduce the upload traffic amount. This is described in more details in the Resizing and Rotating Images topic.

You can configure Image Uploader to upload up to three thumbnails of different sizes per image using parameters. If you need to upload more thumbnails per image, you can add extra upload thumbnails through the JavaScript.

These parameters configure upload thumbnails.

Name Description
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail1BackgroundColor Background color of the first thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail1CompressOversizedOnly Switch that specifies if the original file should be sent when the dimensions of the original file and its file size are not greater than the dimensions and file size of the first thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail1CompressionMode Compression mode of the first thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail1CopyExif Switch that specifies whether the first thumbnail should contain EXIF metadata copied from the original file.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail1CopyIptc Switch that specifies whether the first thumbnail should contain IPTC metadata copied from the original file.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail1FitMode Fit mode of the first thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail1Height Height restriction of the first thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail1JpegQuality JPEG quality for the first thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail1ResizeQuality Resize algorithm quality for the first thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail1Resolution Image resolution of the first thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail1Watermark Watermark for the first thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail1Width Width restriction of the first thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail2BackgroundColor Background color of the second thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail2CompressOversizedOnly Switch that specifies if the original file should be sent when the dimensions of the original file and its file size are not greater than the dimensions and file size of the second thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail2CompressionMode Compression mode of the second thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail2CopyExif Switch that specifies whether the second thumbnail should contain EXIF metadata copied from the original file.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail2CopyIptc Switch that specifies whether the first thumbnail should contain IPTC metadata copied from the original file.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail2FitMode Fit mode of the second thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail2Height Height restriction of the second thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail2JpegQuality JPEG quality for the second thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail2ResizeQuality Resize algorithm quality for the second thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail2Resolution Image resolution of the second thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail2Watermark Watermark for the second thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail2Width Width restriction of the second thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail3BackgroundColor Background color of the third thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail3CompressOversizedOnly Switch that specifies if the original file should be sent when the dimensions of the original file and its file size are not bigger than the dimensions and file size of the third thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail3CompressionMode Compression mode of the third thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail3CopyExif Switch that specifies whether the third thumbnail should contain EXIF metadata copied from the original file.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail3CopyIptc Switch that specifies whether the first thumbnail should contain IPTC metadata copied from the original file.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail3FitMode Fit mode of the third thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail3Height Height restriction of the third thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail3JpegQuality JPEG quality for the third thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail3ResizeQuality Resize algorithm quality for the third thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail3Resolution Image resolution of the third thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail3Watermark Watermark for the third thumbnail.
ActiveX label.Java label. UploadThumbnail3Width Width restriction of the third thumbnail.

What Next?

After you have configured Image Uploader parameters in the way you need, you can start writing the server-side code (i.e. the page specified by the Action property) as described in the Writing Server-Side Upload Code topic. Also, it makes sense to take a look into demo applications, which are distributed along with the Image Uploader SDK.

See Also
