This documentation is for the old version. Go to the latest Upload Suite docs

How to Use Private-label Versions

When users download and install Image Uploader to the browser, they see the security dialog which asks whether they trust Aurigma and want to install the control. However, if you prefer to display your company name instead of Aurigma, rename the Image Uploader control, and sign it with your own digital signature you need to order a private-label version of Image Uploader. Additionally private-label versions can contain enhanced functionality not available in the standard version. If you need a private-label version of Image Uploader, please, contact our sales team at

This topic discusses how to insert a private-label version of Image Uploader onto your web page. To do it you just need to perform some additional modifications in the Image Uploader embedding script. There are two ways to do it.


Do not modify iuembed.js file! All the modifications described below should be applied to your Image Uploader embedding script only.

Overriding Values in Insertion Code

The simplest way is to override values right in the JavaScript code that inserts Image Uploader onto a web page. To do that you will need to re-define values of these properties of the ImageUploaderWriter class:

  • activeXControlCodeBase, activeXClassId, activeXProgId for the ActiveX version.
  • javaAppletJarFileName, javaAppletClassName for the Java version.

This is how it should be done.

<script type="text/javascript">
    var iu = new ImageUploaderWriter("ImageUploader1", 610, 500);
    iu.activeXControlCodeBase = "";
    iu.activeXProgId = "MyCompany.MyUploader";
    iu.javaAppletJarFileName = "MyUploader.jar";

Here all the values in italics should be replaced with the values that you received along with the private-label version.

Inheriting From ImageUploaderWriter

Another approach is to inherit from the ImageUploaderWriter class. To do that you need to add this code to your Image Uploader embedding script and use the MyUploaderWriter class instead of ImageUploaderWriter.

function MyUploaderWriter(id,width,height){

Again, all the values in italics should be replaced with the values that you received along with the private-label version.

See Also

