This documentation is for the old version. Go to the latest Upload Suite docs

installationProgress.updateInstructions Property

Supported browsers: Internet Explorer

Sets common instructions on how to update Image Uploader control.


JavaScript Initialize
var u = $au.uploader({
    //...other params...
var ip = $au.installationProgress(u);
ip.updateInstructions("You need to update Image Uploader control. Click <strong>Install</strong> " +
"or <strong>Run</strong> button when you see the control installation dialog. " +
"If you don't see installation dialog, please try to reload the page.");
//...other params...

Property Value

Type: String

The instructions on how to update Image Uploader control.

Default value is "You need to update Image Uploader control. Click <strong>Install</strong> or <strong>Run</strong> button when you see the control installation dialog. If you don't see installation dialog, please try to reload the page.".

See Also
