This documentation is for the old version. Go to the latest Upload Suite docs

Maintaining Sessions and Authentication in ASP.NET

If you are going to utilize Image Uploader in non-Internet Explorer browsers (Firefox, Safari, and etc.), you should take care about keeping your session and authentication cookies saved if they are used. The fact is that Image Uploader does not send cookies in output requests in non-Internet Explorer browsers by default and, therefore, session and authentication tickets are lost during the upload. To work around this problem you can employ special facilities provided either by Image Uploader ASP.NET or Image Uploader JavaScript. Let us consider how to use them.

Using Image Uploader ASP.NET Control

If you use Image Uploader ASP.NET, session and authentication information will be automatically passed to the upload request. If you are unfamiliar with Image Uploader ASP.NET, please, see the Quick Start with Image Uploader ASP.NET topic.

In order to configure the ASP.NET authentication scheme you should add the authentication section to your web.config, for example, like it is shown in the following example:

<authentication mode="Forms">
  <forms name="AurigmaUser" loginUrl="~/Login.aspx" defaultUrl="~/Default.aspx"
         protection="All" path="/" timeout="525600"/>

Using Image Uploader JavaScript API

If you prefer not to use Image Uploader ASP.NET, then you should add cookies to the upload request manually via the Image Uploader JavaScript. To do this, use the metadata.cookie property which accepts cookie in the following format: "cookieName=cookieValue".

var u = $au.uploader({
    id: 'Uploader1',
    metadata: {
        cookie: 'ASP.NET_SessionId=<%=Page.Session.SessionID%>;' +
            '<%=FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName%>=' + 
            '<%=Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName].Value %>'


The previous example uses ASP.NET_SessionId as session cookie name, because it is default name for this cookie in ASP.NET. However, you may determine the session cookie name programatically, as follows:


See Also

