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ThumbnailInfo Class

This class provides an access to thumbnail details (e.g. thumbnail dimensions, compression mode, etc) and allows saving thumbnails on a server.

The following tables list the members exposed by the ThumbnailInfo type.


Name Description
public property getCompressionMode() Gets compression mode of the thumbnail.
public property getContentLength() Gets the value of the Content-length HTTP header.
public property getContentType() Gets the value of the Content-type HTTP header.
public property getFileName() Gets name of the thumbnail file received on the server.
public property getFileSize() Gets size of the thumbnail.
public property getHeight() Gets height of the thumbnail.
public property getIndex() Gets 1-based index of the thumbnail.
public property getSucceeded() Indicates if the thumbnail was created successfully.
public property getWidth() Gets width of the source file.


Name Description
public method getSafeFileName($dirPath) Returns a safe file name for the file if it would be saved to dirPath folder.
public method save($filename) Saves the thumbnail file to the specified path.
public method saveToFolder($dirPath, $renameConflicted) Saves the thumbnail file to the specified directory on a server avoiding name conflict.