file Members HTML5/Flash Uploader JavaScript

The file type exposes the following members.


Public method calculateHash(Function) Calculates MD5 hash for a file.
Public method exif(Function) Gets a collection of EXIF fields of a file.
Public method getPreview(Object) Receives an img element of containing the preview of a file.
Public method iptc(Function) Gets a collection of EXIF fields of a file.
Public method remove Removes the user-selected files from the upload pane.
Public method showImageEditor(Number,Number) Opens a file in the built-in image editor.


Public property angle Gets or sets a rotation angle of the user-selected file.
Public property cropBounds Gets or sets crop bounds of the user-selected file.
Public property description Gets or sets the description to the user-selected file.
Public property file Gets or sets the JavaScript File object.
Public property guid Gets a unique identifier of the user-selected file.
Public property height Gets or sets the height of the user-selected file.
Public property iconCssClass Gets a string which is used to display an icon of this item.
Public property modified Gets a last modified date of a file.
Public property name Gets or sets the name of the user-selected file.
Public property relativePath Gets or sets the relative path of a file inside the upload.
Public property selected Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user-selected file is highlighted.
Public property size Gets or sets the size of the user-selected file.
Public property tag Gets or sets a custom data of the user-selected file (AKA tag).
Public property type Gets a mime type of a file.
Public property width Gets or sets the width of the user-selected file.