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contextMenu Properties

The contextMenu type exposes the following properties.


Public property addFilesText Gets or sets a caption of the Add files context menu item.
Public property addFolderText Gets or sets a caption of the Add folder context menu item.
Public property arrangeByDimensionsText Gets or sets a caption of the Dimensions context menu item inside Arrange by group.
Public property arrangeByModifiedText Gets or sets a caption of the Date modified context menu item inside Arrange by group.
Public property arrangeByNameText Gets or sets a caption of the Name context menu item inside Arrange by group.
Public property arrangeByPathText Gets or sets a caption of the Path context menu item inside Arrange by group.
Public property arrangeBySizeText Gets or sets a caption of the Size context menu item inside Arrange by group.
Public property arrangeByText Gets or sets a caption of the Sort by context menu.
Public property arrangeByTypeText Gets or sets a caption of the Item type context menu item inside Arrange by group.
Public property checkAllText Gets or sets a caption of the Check all context menu item.
Public property checkText Gets or sets a caption of the Check context menu item.
Public property detailsViewText Gets or sets a caption of the Details context menu item.
Public property editDescriptionText Gets or sets a caption of the Edit description context menu item.
Public property editText Gets or sets a caption of the Edit image context menu item.
Public property listViewText Gets or sets a caption of the List context menu item.
Public property navigateToFolderText Gets or sets a caption of the Navigate to folder context menu item.
Public property openText Gets or sets a caption of the Open context menu item.
Public property pasteText Gets or sets a caption of the Paste context menu item.
Public property removeAllText Gets or sets a caption of the Remove all from upload list context menu item.
Public property removeText Gets or sets a caption of the Remove from upload list context menu item.
Public property thumbnailsViewText Gets or sets a caption of the Thumbnails context menu item.
Public property tilesViewText Gets or sets a caption of the Tiles context menu item.
Public property uncheckAllText Gets or sets a caption of the Uncheck all context menu item.
Public property uncheckText Gets or sets a caption of the Uncheck context menu item.