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UploadedFile Class

This class provides an access to the uploaded file itself and its additional data.

The following tables list the members exposed by the UploadedFile type.


Name Description
public property getAngle() Gets rotation angle of the uploaded file (measured in degrees clockwise).
public property getDescription() Gets user-provided description of the uploaded file.
public property getExif($key) Gets EXIF metadata field with the specified key. Keys to access metadata fields should be specified for upload using the setExtractExif($value) property of the ImageUploader class.
public property getFileCount() Gets number of uploaded files.
public property getFileIndex() Gets index of the uploaded file.
public property getFirstUploaded() Indicates if the uploaded file was sent first.
public property getIptc($key) Gets IPTC metadata field with the specified key. Keys to access metadata fields should be specified for upload using the setExtractIptc($value) property of the ImageUploader class.
public property getOriginalFileName() Gets a name of the original file.
public property getPackageCount() Gets total number of packages in the current upload session.
public property getPackageGuid() Gets unique identifier of the current upload session.
public property getPackageIndex() Gets zero-based index of the package (i.e. request) inside the current upload session.
public property getRelativeFilePath() Gets a relative path to the uploaded file.
public property getSourceFile() Gets a SourceFileInfo which represents the uploaded source file.
public property getThumbnail($index) Gets a ThumbnailFileInfo with the specified index. The index of thumbnail item is one-based.