This documentation is for the old version. Go to the latest Upload Suite docs

UploadedFile Properties

The UploadedFile type exposes the following properties.


Public property Angle Gets a rotation angle of this user-selected file (measured in degrees clockwise).
Public property ConvertedFiles Gets an array of converted files created for this user-selected file.
Public property CropBounds This property is reserved for the future versions.
Public property Description Gets a user-provided description of this user-selected file.
Public property HorizontalResolution Gets a horizontal resolution of this user-selected file (measured in DPI - dots per inches) if it is an image.
Public property Index Gets index of this user-selected file within a package.
Public property Package Gets a Package instance related to this user-selected file.
Public property SourceCreatedDateTime Gets a creation date of this user-selected file.
Public property SourceCreatedDateTimeLocal Gets a local creation date of this user-selected file.
Public property SourceHeight Gets height of this user-selected file (in pixels) if it is an image.
Public property SourceLastModifiedDateTime Gets a last modification date of this user-selected file.
Public property SourceLastModifiedDateTimeLocal Gets a local last modification date of this user-selected file.
Public property SourceName Gets a name of this user-selected file.
Public property SourceSize Gets a size of this user-selected file in bytes.
Public property SourceWidth Gets width of this user-selected file (in pixels) if it is an image.
Public property Tag This property is reserved for the future versions.
Public property VerticalResolution Gets a vertical resolution of this user-selected file (measured in DPI - dots per inches) if it is an image.