UploadSettings Properties ActiveX/Java Uploader PHP

The UploadSettings type exposes the following properties.


Public property ActionUrl Gets or sets a URL to the page files are posted to.
Public property AutoRecoveryMaxAttemptCount Gets or sets a number of tries that should be performed to submit files.
Public property AutoRecoveryTimeout Gets or sets an interval in which ActiveX/Java Uploader should try to resume the upload if it was interrupted.
Public property Charset Gets or sets a charset used to encode the text data submitted by ActiveX/Java Uploader.
Public property ChunkSize Gets or sets a maximium allowed size of binary data (in bytes) uploaded within a POST request.
Public property ConnectionTimeout Gets or sets a timeout of the HTTP connection.
Public property EnableHeadRequest Gets or sets a value indicating whether to send a HEAD request before the POST one to check if authentication is needed or not.
Public property EnableInstantUpload Gets or sets a value indicating whether to start sending files right after they are added to the upload pane without waiting for Upload button click.
Public property FilesPerPackage Gets or sets a number of user-selected files which will be processed and uploaded within a single request.
Public property MaxConnectionCount Gets or sets a number of simultaneous connections used to prepare and upload files.
Public property ProgressBytesMode Gets or sets a value specifying how to estimate the total size of the upload session as well as the amount of bytes that have already been sent to a server.
Public property RedirectUrl Gets or sets a URL to which a user will be redirected when the upload is successfully completed.
Public property UploadConverterOutputSeparately Gets or sets a value indicating whether to send each converted file in a separate request.