This documentation is for the old version. Go to the latest Upload Suite docs

ImageUploader.GoToFolder Method

Supported in: ActiveX , Java

Navigates to a specified folder. The parameter can contain either a path to the target folder (for example, C:/Images) or a member of enumeration which specifies a special folder (for example, My Documents, My Pictures, etc.).




A path to the target folder or a member of the following enumeration which specifies a special folder to navigate to:
String value Description
BitBucket Recycle Bin
Desktop Desktop (for the user currently logged into the system)
MyComputer My Computer
MyDocuments My Documents (for the user currently logged into the system)
MyMusic My Music (for the user currently logged into the system)
MyPictures My Pictures (for the user currently logged into the system)
MyVideo My Video (for the user currently logged into the system)
Network My Network Places
Recent Recent Documents (for the user currently logged into the system)

Return Value

A boolean value (true or false) which specifies whether it succeeded (true) or not (false). The method will fail if you specify the given folder does not exist on the computer.



Java version does not support all members of the special folders enumeration. Supported folders depend on the operating system on which the applet is running. For example, on Windows it can navigate to Desktop and MyDocuments folders.

To check if a certain folder is available on the given computer, use the CanGoToFolder() method.

See Also

