| Name | Description |
AddCookie |
Adds specified cookies to the upload request. |
AddField |
Adds a POST field with specified name and value to the request submitted to the server.
AddFiles |
Opens the standard Open File dialog so that the user could select files
for upload. In other words it works in the same manner as if the Add Files button were clicked.
AddFolders |
Opens the standard Open Folder dialog so that the user can
select the folder for the upload. In other words it works in the same manner as if the
Add Folders button were clicked.
CanGoToFolder |
Verifies whether the specified special folder is available.
DeselectAll |
Clears the selection from all files.
GoToFolder |
Navigates to a specified folder. The parameter can contain either a path to the target folder (for example,
C:/Images) or a member of enumeration which specifies a special folder (for example, My Documents,
My Pictures, etc.). |
GoToParentFolder |
Navigates to the parent folder.
GoToPreviousFolder |
Navigates to the previous visited folder.
LoadUploadList |
Loads the upload list with the specified ID.
Refresh |
Refreshes the folder pane content.
RemoveAllFromUploadList |
Removes all items from the upload list.
RemoveField |
Removes POST field with specified name from the upload.
RemoveFromUploadList |
Removes selected items from the upload list.
RenameField |
Renames the specified standard POST field to the new name. |
ResetCookies |
Removes all the cookies previously added to the request by the AddCookie() method. |
ResetUploadList |
Resets the upload list with the specified ID.
SaveUploadList |
Saves the upload list with the specified ID.
SelectAll |
Selects all the files in the folder pane.
Send |
Starts the upload process.
Stop |
Stops the upload process.
UploadFileRemove |
Removes the specified item from the upload list.
UploadThumbnailAdd |
Adds new element to the list of upload thumbnails.
UploadThumbnailRemove |
Removes an element from upload thumbnail settings list.