POST Field Reference

Supported technologies: Adobe FlashHTML 5

This topic contains information about POST fields (both standard and custom) which are sent by HTML5/Flash Uploader. Use it when writing the server-side upload processing code. You should extract them in the same manner as if they were sent through the standard HTML form. See Saving Uploaded Files in HTML5/Flash Uploader ASP.NET, Saving Uploaded Files in HTML5/Flash Uploader PHP, and Saving Uploaded Files via HTML5/Flash Uploader in Other Platforms topics for more details on how to work with them.

Standard Fields


If you use HTML5/Flash Uploader ASP.NET or HTML5/Flash Uploader PHP you can refer standard fields via the PostFieldsPostFields (ASP.NET)PostFields (PHP) constants.

The table below contains a list of POST fields that are generated and uploaded by HTML5/Flash Uploader.

Name Type Description
Upload Information
PackageIndex Integer

Zero-based index of the package inside the current upload session.

Using this field you can recognize the order of the uploaded files if they were sent in different packages.

PackageCount Integer

A total number of packages in the current upload session.

PackageGuid GUID

Unique identifier of the current upload session.

When the upload is separated into several packages, all of them will have the same GUID. You can use it to determine whether files are uploaded in the same session (useful for concurrent uploads from several users) or not.

PackageFileCount Integer

Number of files uploaded in the current package.


HTML5/Flash Uploader sends a one file per package. Therefore, this field is always 1.

RequestComplete Integer

End of request marker. This field is always 1.

PackageComplete Integer

End of package marker. This field is always 1 and is represented only in the last request of a package.

RequestCount Integer Number of requests associated with a package. This field is sent in the end of the package.
FilenamesUrlEncoded Boolean Whether filenames are sent URL-encoded. If yes (i.e. is true), you should use URL decoding before using those filenames. Useful when files with non-ASCII names are uploaded incorrectly.
Name Type Description
Original File Information
SourceName_N * String

Name of the original Nth file.

It is useful to employ this field to get the name of the original file when only a resized copy of an image is uploaded.

SourceSize_N * Integer

Size of the original Nth file in bytes.

SourceCreatedDateTime_N * Time

Creation date of the original Nth file in EXIF-style format:

YYYY:MM:DD hh:mm:ss

For example, 28th of March, 2:40PM would be:

2005:03:28 14:40:00

SourceLastModifiedDateTime_N * Time

The last modification date of the original Nth file in EXIF-style format:

YYYY:MM:DD hh:mm:ss

For example, 28th of March, 2:40PM would be:

2005:03:28 14:40:00

SourceCreatedDateTimeLocal_N * Time

The local creation date of the original Nth file in EXIF-style format:

YYYY:MM:DD hh:mm:ss

For example, 28th of March, 2:40PM would be:

2005:03:28 14:40:00

SourceLastModifiedDateTimeLocal_N * Time

The local last modification date of the original Nth file in EXIF-style format:

YYYY:MM:DD hh:mm:ss

For example, 28th of March, 2:40PM would be:

2005:03:28 14:40:00

SourceWidth_N * Integer

Width of the original Nth file in pixels if it is an image. Otherwise, this field contains 0.

SourceHeight_N * Integer

Height of the original Nth file in pixels if it is an image. Otherwise, this field contains 0.

HorizontalResolution_N * Integer

Horizontal resolution of the original Nth file if it is an image (measured in DPI - dots per inches). Otherwise, this field contains 0.

VerticalResolution_N * Integer

Vertical resolution of the original Nth file if it is an image (measured in DPI - dots per inches). Otherwise, this field contains 0.

Name Type Description
Converted File Information
FileX_N ** File

The Xth converted file for the Nth user-selected file.

FileXMode_N ** String

The mode of the Xth converted file created for the Nth user-selected file. Possible values are:

  • sourceFile - the Xth converted file is a copy of the original file.
  • thumbnail - the Xth converted file is a resized copy of the original file if it is an image.
  • icon - the Xth converted file is a system icon associated with the original file type.
  • zip - the Xth converted file is a ZIP archive of the original file.
  • none - the Xth converted file was not created.
FileXName_N ** String

The name of the Xth converted file created for the Nth user-selected file. Depending on the FileXMode_N field value, this field contains one of the following names:

  • name.ext for sourceFile mode.
  • name.ext_ThumbnailX.jpg for thumbnail mode.
  • name.ext_IconX.jpg for icon mode.
  • for zip mode.
FileXSize_N ** Integer Size of the Xth converted file created for the Nth user-selected file (in bytes).
FileXWidth_N ** Integer

Actual width of the Xth converted file created for the Nth uploaded file if it is an image (in pixels). Otherwise, this field contains -1.

Depending on the converter.thumbnailFitModeThumbnailFitMode (ASP.NET)ThumbnailFitMode (PHP)thumbnailFitMode (JavaScript), this value may differ from the value specified through the converter.thumbnailWidthThumbnailWidth (ASP.NET)ThumbnailWidth (PHP)thumbnailWidth (JavaScript) property. This happens because HTML5/Flash Uploader preserves the aspect ratio of the image and seldom can use the same dimensions as specified in thumbnail parameters.

FileXHeight_N ** Integer

Actual height of the Xth converted file created for the Nth uploaded file if it is an image (in pixels). Otherwise, this field contains -1.

Depending on the converter.thumbnailFitMode, this value may differ from the value specified through the converter.thumbnailHeightThumbnailHeight (ASP.NET)ThumbnailHeight (PHP)thumbnailHeight (JavaScript) property. This happens because HTML5/Flash Uploader preserves the aspect ratio of the image and seldom can use the same dimensions as specified in thumbnail parameters.

FileXHashCodeMD5_N ** String

MD5 hash value of the Xth converted file created for the Nth user-selected file. Calculated only if you use Converter.HashHash (ASP.NET)Hash (PHP)hash (JavaScript) property.

FileXChunkIndex_N ** Integer

Zero-based index of this chunk of the Xth converted file created for the Nth user-selected file.

FileXChunkCount_N ** Integer

Number of chunks of the Xth converted file created for the Nth user-selected file.


This field is sent if ChunkSize is greater than 0.

Name Type Description
User Input
Angle_N * Integer

Rotation angle of Nth user-specified file (measured in degrees clockwise).

This field is changed if the user clicks an arrow icon to rotate an image. You can use it if you want to rotate images on the server side (e.g. if you upload only source file). Possible values are:

  • 0;
  • 90;
  • 180;
  • 270.
CropBounds_N * String

Crop bounds of the Nth user-selected image in the following format: x,y,width,height. For non-image files this field contains 0,0,0,0 value.

You can use it if you want to crop images on the server side (e.g. if you upload only original file).

Description_N * String

User-provided description of the Nth user-selected file.

Tag_N * String Tag attached to the Nth user-selected file.

* The N character appended to the field name is a placeholder for an index of this file in the uploaded package. This index is zero-based. For example, HTML5/Flash Uploader sends one file per package, so to retrieve a name of this file use the SourceName_0 field (the same is true for other XXX_N fields).

** HTML5/Flash Uploader can generate up to three converted files per each user-selected file and send them to the server. The X character is a placeholder for an index of the converted file created for the Nth user-selected file. Maximum X value is not bigger than the number of converterConverter (ASP.NET)Converter (PHP)converter (JavaScript) instances added to the convertersConverters (ASP.NET)Converters (PHP)converters (JavaScript) array. For example, if you set two converters, the following fields will be available on the server: File0_0 and File1_0.

Custom Fields

HTML5/Flash Uploader is able to send not only fields described in the table above, but also custom fields. It can be done in two ways:

Overriding POST Field Names

Sometimes you may need an additional control over the POST fields sent by the uploader. For example, you already have a server code which expects a particular POST field names, or you don't want the uploader to some fields. For example, if you use it for uploading to CDN or REST API.

To address such issues, you may use JavaScript methods described below. For example, the uploader uses them internally to organize uploads to Amazon S3.

Adding HTTP headers

POST fields is not the only way to send something to the server. You can also use HTTP headers. For example, when uploading files to Amazon S3, headers may help to control caching policy, etc.

To set headers, use the metadata.uploadRequestHeaders(Object) like this:

var u = $au.imageUploaderFlash("upldr");

// Use it to add new set of headers (it will replace the previously specified headers)
	'X-My-Header-1': 'Value 1',
	'X-My-Header-2': 'Value 2'

// Use it to append another header to the existing headers
var h = u.metadata().uploadRequestHeaders();
h['X-My-Header-3'] = 'Value 3';

// Clear all custom HTTP headers from the list