Messages Members HTML5/Flash Uploader PHP

The Messages type exposes the following members.


Public property CannotReadFile Gets or sets the message displayed when the read file error occurs.
Public property CmykImagesNotAllowed Gets or sets the message displayed when the user tries to select CMYK image while it is disallowed.
Public property DimensionsTooLarge Gets or sets a message which states that the width or height of the selected image is too large.
Public property DimensionsTooSmall Gets or sets a message which states that the width or height of selected image is too small.
Public property FileNameNotAllowed Gets or sets a message which states that a user tries to select a file, the name of which is not allowed.
Public property FileSizeTooSmall Gets or sets a message which states that a user tries to select a file that is too small.
Public property FilesNotAdded Gets or sets the message displayed when a user tries to add files and some of them were not added because of restrictions.
Public property MaxFileCountExceeded Gets or sets a message which states that a user tries to select too many files.
Public property MaxFileSizeExceeded Gets or sets a message which states that a user tries to select a file that is too big.
Public property MaxTotalFileSizeExceeded Gets or sets a message which states that the total size of selected files is too large.
Public property MemoryLimitReached Gets or sets the message displayed when the limit of the amount of memory available to Adobe Flash Player is reached.
Public property PreviewNotAvailable Gets or sets the message displayed when the image preview could be generated.
Public property TooFewFiles Gets or sets the message displayed when the user tries to add fewer files than the MinFileCount restriction.
Public property TooManyFilesSelectedToOpen Gets or sets the message displayed when the limit of the number of files HTML5/Flash Uploader can add to the Upload Pane at once is reached.